Creating Signup List

InstaTeam also supports creating signup items for an event by clicking on Signup Items. The admins can then enter signup item name such as Bring refreshments, Raise Funds, Setup decorations, etc. They can then specify the number of members required for each signup item. Admins can also specify events for signup members only event. If it is a sign up only event, then the members can attend the event only if they have signed up for signup list. To update an existing event, the team admins can click on the event and then select Edit button.

After the team admin presses Create button or Update button, the admin can choose to notify members or not. If the admin selects the option to send notifications, all the team members will receive push notification on their phones as well as an email with the details about the event that has been created or updated. Also, the team members will be able to see the updated event on their mobile phone instantaneously.

To view the details of the event, the team admins can click on the event and select view event. The event detail includes the list of members who are attending the event and if applicable, the list of members who have signed up for the signup items. If the text "None" appears against the team member name that means that the team member has not taken any action to set their attendance for the event.